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How to fix Python version error when trying to download opencv3?

I have Anaconda installed and I used the following command in the Command Prompt:

conda install -c menpo opencv3

Which returned this error:

UnsatisfiableError: The following specifications were found to be in conflict:
- opencv3 -> python 2.7*
- python 3.6*
Use "conda info<package> to see the dependencies for each package.

I attempted to find a solution here without success. My python version on Anaconda is 3.6. Why does it return this error, and how do I fix it?


  • openCV doesn't currently support Python 3.6. You need to use a different version of Python.

    This page may be of help: installing-opencv-on-windows-10-with-python-3-6-and-anaconda-3-6.