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@Autowired Spring @Component with @ConditionalOnProperty

Can I use @Autowired Spring 4.x @Components with a @ConditionalOnProperty to choose implementations of a Feature based on a file?

public class Controller {
  private Feature feature;

@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "b", havingValue = "off")
public class A implements Feature {

@ConditionalOnProperty(name = "b", havingValue = "on")
public class B implements Feature {

public class SomeRandomConfig {

With a src/main/resources/ file:

b = on

(That the name of the toggle "b" and the name of the class "B" match is coincidence; it's not my aim to have these equal, the toggle could have any name.)

This fails to auto-wire feature in the Controller with an UnsatisfiedDependencyException, saying "No qualifying bean of type 'Feature' available: expected at least 1 bean that qualifies as autowire candidate".

I know I can realize this with a @Configuration class that chooses a @Bean depending on the property. But when I do that I have to add a new Configuration class each time I add a feature toggle, and those Configuration classes will be highly similar:

public class FeatureConfig {

    @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "b", havingValue = "on")
    public Feature useB() {
        return new B();

    @ConditionalOnProperty(name = "b", havingValue = "off")
    public Feature useA() {
        return new A();



  • I did what you're trying to do by following this guide. First step was to write a Condition...

    public class OnEnvironmentPropertyCondition implements Condition
      public boolean matches(ConditionContext ctx, AnnotatedTypeMetadata meta)
        Environment env = ctx.getEnvironment();
        Map<String, Object> attr = meta.getAnnotationAttributes(
        boolean shouldPropExist = (Boolean)attr.get("exists");
        String prop = (String)attr.get("value");
        boolean doesPropExist = env.getProperty(prop) != null;
        // doesPropExist    shouldPropExist    result
        //    true             true             true
        //    true             false            false
        //    false            true             false
        //    true             false            true
        return doesPropExist == shouldPropExist;

    ...then an annotation using that condition.

     * Condition returns true if myprop exists:
     * @ConditionalOnEnvProperty("myprop")
     * Condition returns true if myprop does not exist
     * @ConditionalOnEnvProperty(value="myprop", exists=false)
    @Target({ElementType.TYPE, ElementType.METHOD})
    public @interface ConditionalOnEnvProperty
      public String value();
      public boolean exists() default true;

    You can add to the environment with the @PropertySource annotation.