Judging by the amount of information out there this does not seem like a common way to execute mattermost webhooks. We have a mattermost installation, we have an older web application used to lookup inventory, we would like to be able to via webhook send a message to a team containing some information relating to a part search request.
I almost thought I could get away with making an ajax post request to the webhook URL with the "payload" set as a param, but this returns 400 "Unable To Parse Incoming Data", I thought for whatever reason the ajax request was the issue so I created a PHP script to do the curl request, this is what I have;
$payload = json_encode($_REQUEST['payload']);
$ch = curl_init('http://dev2:8065/hooks/6isjcohwyibsf8kp5g9p6bcgoa');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, "$payload");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;
Any suggestion at this point would be worthwhile. This either can't be done for whatever reason or it's so trivial I'm over thinking it.
payload sample,
The payload being sent:
'payload={"text": "| Component | Tests Run | Tests Failed |
| Server | 948 | :white_check_mark: 0|
| Web Client | 123 | :warning: [2 (see details)(http://linktologs) |
| iOS Client | 78 | :warning: [3 (see details)](http://linktologs) |"}'
This entire string is being sent in the request.
Works with this,
If I break up the payload inside the php like so:
$body = '| Component | Tests Run | Tests Failed |\n|:-----------|:------------|:---------------------------------------------|\n| Server | 948 | :white_check_mark: 0 |\n| Web Client | 123 | :warning: [2 (see details)](http://linktologs) |\n| iOS Client | 78 | :warning: [3 (see details)](http://linktologs) |\n';
$payload = 'payload={"text": "';
$payload .= $body;
$payload .= '"}';
It works as expected.
The Solution -
The actual string for the text request needs to have /n
Once I was able to get one request to work I was then able to refactor all the way to using the jQ's ajax request to send a payload to the webhook. I am still not 100% on the why or the hows.
This is the working JS:
var body = 'payload={"text":"| Component | Tests Run | Tests Failed |\n' +
'| Server | 948 | :white_check_mark: 0 |\n' +
'| Web Client | 123 | :warning: [2 (see details)](http://linktologs) |\n' +
'| iOS Client | 78 | :warning: [3 (see details)](http://linktologs) |\n"}';
type: 'POST',
url: "http://dev2:8065/hooks/6isjcohwyibsf8kp5g9p6bcgoa",
data: body
super simple, and what I was originally trying to acheive.