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Why passport-twitter requires session support

I'm working on facebook, google, github, twitter authentication with passport. Authentication with facebook, google, github are executing how in tutorial was written. Only twitter back me message:

500 Internal Server Error: OAuth authentication requires session support. Did you forget to use express-session middleware?

Then I added express-session middleware (look below) and my problem has gone.

import * as expressSession from "express-session";

    secret: strategyOptions.session.secret,
    resave: false,
    saveUninitialized: true

So I have 3 questions:

  1. Why twitter authentication requires session support ?
  2. I had guess only my backend and frontend know about session. How Twitter knows about my session?
  3. Why Google, Facebook, Github don't need session support ?


  • 1) Why twitter authentication requires session support ?

    • twitter authentication needs a requestTokenStore to store the token before the exchanging. And by default it is SessionRequestTokenStore from passport-oauth1.

    2) I had guess only my backend and frontend know about session. How Twitter knows about my session?

    • twitter authentication is a middleware that runs in your backend, so it knows about your session.

    3) Why Google, Facebook, Github don't need session support ?

    • Google, Facebook, Github uses passport-oauth2, wich doesn't need a requestTokenStore (session).