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NetBeans ANT target not running?

I'm trying to execute custom ANT target from within the build.xml file, but for some reason it gets ignored all the time. Below is my implementation:

<project name="MyModuleSuite" basedir=".">
   <description>Builds the module suite MyModuleSuite.</description>
   <import file="nbproject/build-impl.xml"/>

   <target name="-post-compile" depends="build">
      <ant antfile="nbproject/build-impl.xml" target="nbms" />

For some reason whenever the build target is executed during "clean and build" of my project, nothing happens. Is there a specific target I'm supposed to use for the depends value?


  • You need to override the build target and make it depend on both the original target ( and the extra target that you want to run (nbms).

    <target name="build" depends=",nbms">

    For more information on how to customize the build, see harness/README located in your NetBeans installation.