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iOS Charts - single values not showing Swift

When I have multiple points in an array for a line on a line graph, everything shows perfectly. But when there is only one point, the dot does not show. I dont know why? the delegate is being set elsewhere, but this doesnt seem to be the issue.

The below examples shows Test 2 and Test exercise. The first image is where each has one value, the second they each have 2.

heres my code

    func startChart(){

        chart.dragEnabled = true
        chart.legend.form = .circle
        chart.drawGridBackgroundEnabled = false

        let xaxis = chart.xAxis

        xaxis.valueFormatter = axisFormatDelegate
        xaxis.labelCount = dataSets.count
        xaxis.labelPosition = .bottom

        xaxis.granularityEnabled = true
        xaxis.granularity = 1.0
        xaxis.avoidFirstLastClippingEnabled = true
        xaxis.forceLabelsEnabled = true
        let rightAxis = chart.rightAxis

        rightAxis.enabled = false
        rightAxis.axisMinimum = 0

        let leftAxis = chart.leftAxis
        leftAxis.drawGridLinesEnabled = true
        leftAxis.axisMinimum = 0

        let chartData = LineChartData(dataSets: dataSets) = chartData

If I add


the value will show correctly. however it squashes the value to the left and overlaps 2 x value dates

enter image description here

enter image description here


  • The only way I could get around this was to add an additional invisible line.

    I created a clear line that started the day before and ended the day after my single values.

    As long as there is a line on the chart that goes from one point to another, the other single values show.

      var singleValue = false
        for i in 0...(dataSets.count - 1) {
            if dataSets[i].values.count > 1{
                singleValue = true
        var data = dataSets
        if singleValue == false {
            let minNS = .day, value: -1, to: minNSDate as! Date)
            let maxNS = .day, value: 1, to: maxNSDate as! Date)
            var dataEntries: [ChartDataEntry] = []
            let dataEntry1 = ChartDataEntry(x:Double(String(format: "%.2f",Double((minNS?.timeIntervalSince1970)!)))!,y:00.00)
            let dataEntry2 = ChartDataEntry(x:Double(String(format: "%.2f",Double((maxNS?.timeIntervalSince1970)!)))!,y:00.00)
            let set = LineChartDataSet(values: dataEntries, label: "")
            set.circleHoleColor = UIColor.clear
            set.setColor(UIColor.white, alpha: 0.0)
            set.drawValuesEnabled = false
        chart.chartDescription?.text = ""
        let chartData = LineChartData(dataSets: data) = chartData

    enter image description here