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R Stargazer with pglm model - convert binominal pglm model in plm model

I am using stargazer to create my plm summary tables.

data("Unions", package = "pglm")
anb1 <- plm(wage ~ union + exper + rural, Unions, model = "random", method = "bfgs")

Unfortunately stargazer does not support pglm models. I am looking for a solution on how to plot the results of a pglm model with binary dependent variable, as the following stargazer call does not work with pglm models.

anb2 <- pglm(union ~ wage + exper + rural, Unions, family = "binomial",
            model = "random", method = "bfgs")

Any alternative to just extract each summary item and than format it respectively? The class of the outcome is:

[1] "maxLik" "maxim" "list"


  • Here's a simple extract function to make texreg work with pglm:

    extract.pglm <- function (model, include.nobs = TRUE, include.loglik = TRUE, ...) {
       s <- summary(model, ...)
       coefficient.names <- rownames(s$estimate)
       coefficients <- s$estimate[, 1]
       standard.errors <- s$estimate[, 2]
       significance <- s$estimate[, 4]
       loglik.value <- s$loglik
       n <- nrow(model$model)
       gof <- numeric()
       gof.names <- character()
       gof.decimal <- logical()
       if (include.loglik == TRUE) {
          gof <- c(gof, loglik.value)
          gof.names <- c(gof.names, "Log-Likelihood")
          gof.decimal <- c(gof.decimal, TRUE)
       if (include.nobs == TRUE) {
          gof <- c(gof, n)
          gof.names <- c(gof.names, "Num. obs.")
          gof.decimal <- c(gof.decimal, FALSE)
       tr <- createTexreg(coef.names = coefficient.names, coef = coefficients, 
                     se = standard.errors, pvalues = significance, gof.names = gof.names, 
                     gof = gof, gof.decimal = gof.decimal)

    In order for this code to work, you should also register the function so that it handles the pglm maxLik objects by default when extract is called:

    setMethod("extract", signature = className("maxLik", "maxLik"), 
          definition = extract.pglm)

    After that, you can use texreg with pglm just like with plm or other models supported by texreg.