I'm struggling with my assignment and need some help.
The program I have to code must traverse (more exactly - fill with natural numbers from 1 to N^2, but the traversal algorithm is what I struggle with) a 2D array A[N][N], where N is odd (1,3,5,7...), starting from center ( A[N/2][N/2] ) and moving spirally and clockwise.
Example (N=5):
25 10 11 12 13
24 9 2 3 14
23 8 1 4 15
22 7 6 5 16
21 20 19 18 17
I see the pattern : center=1 ; 1xUP, 1xRIGHT, 2xDOWN, 2xLEFT, 3xUP, 3xRIGHT, and so on ...
How can I implement this algorithm with loops? Time is ticking away and I'm stuck here ...
Will be happy to read some suggestions and receive help.
Thank you!
You can use same implementation and change direction of first step here: Print 2-D Array in clockwise expanding spiral from center
int x = 0; // current position; x
int y = 0; // current position; y
int d = 0; // current direction; 0=RIGHT, 1=DOWN, 2=LEFT, 3=UP
int c = 0; // counter
int s = 1; // chain size
int d
- is current direction; change it to 3