I need to monitoring the network using a tcpdump. However I need to delete its output(train.txt) every 5 seconds from its folder manually. I am looking for a approach to regenerate the output in a bash file. In other words, as I delete the output of tcpdump, it generates a new output with new contents. Here is my code:
#Change the eth for each host first
tcpdump -i h1-eth0 -l -e -n 'port 80' & > /media/sf_sharedsaeed/train.txt
while true
if [ -f $FILE ]; then
echo "******************* tcpdump do its job well******************* "
#now interrupt the process. get its PID:
pid=$(ps -e | pgrep tcpdump)
echo $pid
kill -2 $pid
echo "File $FILE does not exist. tcpdump make it again."
tcpdump -i h1-eth0 -l -e -n > /media/sf_sharedsaeed/train.txt
The problem is that, as the output deleted, no new output file generated anymore. Please help me.
Update: I used this code to delete the file content instead of deleting the file: (using cat /dev/null > $FILE)
while true
awk '{print $10" "$12}' $FILE | sort | uniq -c > output.txt
echo "New output.txt generated."
#truncate -s 0 $FILE
cat /dev/null > $FILE
echo "wait for 5 seconds ..."
sleep $second
As I used it, the output(train.txt) is not fill completely. Some data will missed!
What about the redirection operator >
cat /dev/null > train.txt
This way you are just truncating the file train.txt
, i.e.: setting its size to zero.
Ideally, the process writing to train.txt
should have opened this file in append mode (i.e.: by means of the redirection operator >>
in bash
If so, this process will always set the its file offset to the size of the file before writing it.
Otherwise a so called file hole would be created the next time it writes to train.txt
tcpdump -i h1-eth0 -l -e -n 'port 80' & >> /media/sf_sharedsaeed/train.txt
and, do not delete train.txt
, do this instead (i.e.: truncate the file):
cat /dev/null > /media/sf_sharedsaeed/train.txt
Instead of truncating tain.txt
manually you could periodically check its size and then truncate it on demand when the file it's too big.