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Adjust android sdk config correct but not run correctly

I followed this document, and created this code:

public class MainApplication extends Application {

public static MainApplication instance;

public void onCreate() {

    //Config for Adjust :::::
    String appToken = null;
    appToken = getString(R.string.adjust_key); // something like : `dddkt4ey8xz1`

    String environment;
    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG)
        environment = AdjustConfig.ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX;
        environment = AdjustConfig.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION;
    AdjustConfig config = new AdjustConfig(this, appToken, environment);
    // change the log level
    config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.VERBOSE);   // enable all logging
    config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.DEBUG);     // enable more logging
    config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.INFO);      // the default
    //        config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.WARN);      // disable info logging
    //        config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.ERROR);     // disable warnings as well
    //        config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.ASSERT);    // disable errors as well

    // enable event buffering
    //        config.setEventBufferingEnabled(true);

    // set default tracker

    // set process name
    //        config.setProcessName("com.adjust.example");

    // set attribution delegate
    config.setOnAttributionChangedListener(new OnAttributionChangedListener() {
        public void onAttributionChanged(AdjustAttribution attribution) {
            Timber.tag("Adjust").d("attribution: " + attribution.toString());
    registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new AdjustLifecycleCallbacks());

    // put the SDK in offline mode

    // Enable the SDK
private static final class AdjustLifecycleCallbacks implements ActivityLifecycleCallbacks {
    public void onActivityResumed(Activity activity) {

    public void onActivityPaused(Activity activity) {

    public void onActivityStopped(Activity activity) {

    public void onActivitySaveInstanceState(Activity activity, Bundle outState) {

    public void onActivityDestroyed(Activity activity) {

    public void onActivityCreated(Activity activity, Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    public void onActivityStarted(Activity activity) {

Then built the application.I can see below logs :

W/Adjust: SANDBOX: Adjust is running in Sandbox mode. Use this setting for testing. Don't forget to set the environment to `production` before publishing!
I/Adjust: Google Play Services Advertising ID read correctly at start time
I/Adjust: Default tracker: 'dddkt4ey8xz1'
I/Adjust: Session tracked

The problem is I can not see any records at the Server side. Please help.

Here is my build.gradle:

compile 'com.adjust.sdk:adjust-android:4.11.4'
compile ''


private void applyAdjustSDK() {
    //Config for Adjust :::::
    String appToken = null;
    appToken = getString(R.string.adjust_token); // something like : `dddkt4ey8xz1`

    String environment =  AdjustConfig.ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX;

    if (!BuildConfig.DEBUG)
        environment = AdjustConfig.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION;

    AdjustConfig config = new AdjustConfig(this, appToken, environment);
    // change the log level
    config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.VERBOSE);   // enable all logging
    config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.DEBUG);     // enable more logging
    config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.INFO);      // the default
    //        config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.WARN);      // disable info logging
    //        config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.ERROR);     // disable warnings as well
    //        config.setLogLevel(LogLevel.ASSERT);    // disable errors as well

    // enable event buffering
    //        config.setEventBufferingEnabled(true);

    // set default tracker

    // set process name
    //        config.setProcessName("com.adjust.example");

    // set attribution delegate
    config.setOnAttributionChangedListener(new OnAttributionChangedListener() {
        public void onAttributionChanged(AdjustAttribution attribution) {
            Timber.tag("Adjust").d("attribution: " + attribution.toString());
    registerActivityLifecycleCallbacks(new AdjustLifecycleCallbacks());

    // put the SDK in offline mode

    // Enable the SDK


  • change Environment to Production:


    if (BuildConfig.DEBUG) 
          environment = AdjustConfig.ENVIRONMENT_SANDBOX; 
          environment = AdjustConfig.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION; 

    and just use

    environment = AdjustConfig.ENVIRONMENT_PRODUCTION;