I am using a insert into ... select ...
statement to
insert multiple rows into a table however, I receive the
following error when the statement is executed:
SQL Anywhere Error -185: SELECT returns more than one row.
Here is my code:
declare @pyear integer= 0
print 'Step 1 '
print 'Step 2 '
declare @startDateYear integer,@llystartDt integer,
@tradeYear integer,
@evRefreshDate integer,@err integer,@l_cnt integer
declare @mtdmin integer
declare @mtdmax integer
declare @cyear integer
declare @cmonth integer
select @cyear = year,@cmonth = month from table1 where last_trade_date = 'Y'
select @mtdmin = min(intDate) from table1 where year = @cyear and month = @cmonth
select @mtdmax = intDate from table1 where last_trade_date = 'Y'
if @pyear <> 0
select @tradeYear = @pYear, @startDateYear = convert(integer,convert(char(4),@pyear)+'0101')
select @evRefreshDate = @startDateYear
select @llystartDt = convert(integer,convert(char(4),@pyear-2)+'0101')
else begin
select @startDateYear = MIN(dd.intDate)
from table1 as dd
join table1 as dd1
on dd1.year = dd.year
and dd1.LAST_TRADE_DATE = 'Y'
select @evRefreshDate = intDate
from table1 as dd
where dd.LAST_TRADE_DATE = 'Y'
select @tradeYear = dd.year
from table1 as dd
join table1 as dd1
on dd1.year = dd.year
and dd1.LAST_TRADE_DATE = 'Y'
select @llystartDt = convert(integer,convert(char(4),(@tradeYear-2))+'0101')
print 'EV Refresh Date =%1!', @evRefreshDate
print 'MktType','Dimension','Dimension_Value','cnsEv','YearlyRollup','MonthlyRollUp','DailyRollup','YearlyDiff','MonthlyDiff','DailyDiff','stat'
print 'Step 3 '
print 'Step 4 '
--truncate table table2
insert into table2
( MktType,
stat )
select 'MktType'='FI',
'Dimension'='' || 'TradeDate',
'Dimension_Value'='' || @tradeYear,
from(select 'ev'=SUM(net)
from table3 as a
join table4 as pd on pd.STRG = a.productMappingKey
where TrdDt >= @startDateYear
and SalesGrpLvl1 = 'GIS'
and reportDt >= @llystartDt
and not(trddt >= @mtdmin and trddt <= @mtdmax and GPNum = '49135' and(trim(prod3) = 'Equities - Cash (EE)' or prod5 like '% DMA %' or prod5 like '% DSA %'))
and not(gpnum = '63376' and trim(prod2) = 'Equity Cash' and trddt >= @mtdmin and trddt <= @mtdmax)) as cns
,(select 'ev'=SUM(ev)
from table5 as r
,table6 as d
where r.tradeDateMonthKey = d.month_key
and d.year = @tradeYear
and salesForce = 'GIS') as mth
,(select 'ev'=SUM(ev)
from table7
where tradeDate >= @startDateYear
and salesForce = 'GIS') as dly
,(select 'ev'=SUM(ev)
from table8
where YEAR >= @tradeYear
and salesForce = 'GIS'
and dateType = 'tradeDate') as yrly
One thing that I noticed was that when I comment out Insert statement then the rest of the query works fine but when I uncomment it, I get the above mentioned error.
Please check your every query from table1 when assigning the value to a @variable.
For instance @cyear is expecting a scalar/single value but the "select * from table1 where last_trade_date = 'Y'" could have been returning multiple values.
You can only assign single value to a single @variable.