I am firing a signal which has 3 different receivers. What I want to do is to update a table Student
using the signal update_student
and later on I want to update his enrollment in update_student_enrollment
I want to update Enrollment after the Student has been updated. But my update enrollment receiver is triggering before the student is updated.
Signal.send("student_updated", student_id=1, active=active)
def update_student(sender, **kwargs):
Student.objects.update(active=0) # I am setting the student activation to false. For simplicity I am not mentioning the logic which is setting the student to inactive.
print("Student Updated!")
def update_student_enrollment(sender, **kwargs):
if student.active=0:
Somehow my Receiver 2
is firing before the Receiver 1
It's not possible to explicitly specify the ordering of signals in Django.
The best way you can handle this is by having the Receiver 1 signal send a signal itself on which you can let Receiver 2 listen.