Is it possible to include cursorMark
value in POST request's body instead of sending it as query string parameter?
The following query:
{"query":"val:abc","limit":10,"cursorMark":"*","sort":"id asc"}
returns an error with the message: "Unknown top-level key in JSON request : cursorMark"
According to Solr Json Request API documentation, every query string parameter has a corresponding POST request parameter in JSON API, e.g. q -> query, start -> offset, etc.
However, there is no equivalent parameter for cursorMark query string parameter.
The best solution I am aware of is changing request type from application/json to application/x-www-form-urlencoded which allows using query string parameters in POST request's body. The reason why I was using application/json was to get json response, but it turns that it is controlled by wt=json parameter.