I am trying to learn to use restHeart rest api and see if I can avoid any custom code to write any java code to query MongoDB.
I am trying to execute below mongoshell query, any idea how should it be written in RestHeart request?
db.getCollection('InsStatData').aggregate({'$match':{'$and':[{ 'sectionName': 'ASSETS'},{'year':2015},{ 'sections.data.rowIdx': 1},{'sections.data.values.colIdx':2}]}},
{ '$unwind': '$sections' },
{ '$unwind': '$sections.data' },
{ '$unwind': '$sections.data.values' },
{'$match':{'$and':[{ 'sectionName': 'ASSETS'},{'year':2015},{
'sections.data.rowIdx': 1},{'sections.data.values.colIdx':2}]}}
InsStatData is collecitonName.
yes RESTHeart supports aggregations.
Basically you can define an aggregation creating a document with the aggregation pipelines in it under /db/coll/_aggrs resource.
The aggregation document has the uri property that makes it available at /db/coll/_aggrs/uri
The aggregation can also have variables in it as {"$var": "n"}
and a variable can be passed as follow
GET /db/coll/_aggrs/<uri>=avars={"n": { <any json> }}
Refer to this documentation page for more info https://softinstigate.atlassian.net/wiki/x/AwDw