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How do I get the object properties of an individual in SPARQL Query?

Suppose I give a word "Product" the results should be

A product ... can be ... new ... NPD
A product ... can be ... existing ... Re-design
A Product ... has ... structure, ... has ... function, ... has ... behavior

where "can be" and "has" are object properties and structure, function , behavior etc are the instances linked to Product

I have tried this enter image description here

I also want it to show the object properties of the output. Like here, I want it to show the object properties of Function, Behavior etc with terms other than product


  • Given the SPARQL query

    PREFIX uni: <>
    SELECT ?has ?isa ?satisfies WHERE {
     uni:Product uni:IsA ?isa .
     uni:Product uni:Has ?has .
     uni:Product uni:Satisfies ?satisfies

    you can get additional information for each individual by appending another triple pattern with the variable being the subject of the triple pattern:

    PREFIX uni: <>
    SELECT ?has ?p_has ?o_has ?isa ?p_isa ?o_isa ?satisfies ?p_satisfies ?o_satisfies 
    WHERE {
     uni:Product uni:IsA ?isa .
     ?isa ?p_isa ?o_isa .
     uni:Product uni:Has ?has .
     ?has ?p_has ?o_has .
     uni:Product uni:Satisfies ?satisfies .
     ?satisfies ?p_satisfies ?o_satisfies

    You might have to put it into OPTIONAL clauses because it wouldn't return something if there is no such information:

    PREFIX uni: <>
    SELECT ?has ?p_has ?o_has ?isa ?p_isa ?o_isa ?satisfies ?p_satisfies ?o_satisfies 
    WHERE {
     uni:Product uni:IsA ?isa .
     OPTIONAL {?isa ?p_isa ?o_isa }
     uni:Product uni:Has ?has .
     OPTIONAL {?has ?p_has ?o_has }
     uni:Product uni:Satisfies ?satisfies .
     OPTIONAL {?satisfies ?p_satisfies ?o_satisfies }