I'm about executing test using python and as selenium webdriver as a server , i added the gitpython module that i can apply a git test (clone , add , commit and push)
Every thing is Ok , and the test is passed but , when i check my repo i don't find the file that supposed pushed in the repository.
This is the code :
myrepo = Repo.clone_from(clonefield,local_repo_path,env={'GIT_SSH_COMMAND': ssh_cmd})
assert myrepo.__class__ is Repo
myfile = os.path.join(local_repo_path, 'new-file')
# This function just creates an empty file ...
open(myfile, 'wb').close()
myrepo.index.commit("initial commit")
# Setup a local tracking branch of a remote branch
print myrepo.remote().push("HEAD:refs/drafts/master")
This is the result :
No handlers could be found for logger "git.remote"
[git.remote.PushInfo object at 0x24fb9b0]
Ran 1 test in 88.865s
Can any one help me to resolve this.
Thank you for your help.
I tried to fix it like this and it works good :)
myrepo = Repo.clone_from(clonefield,local_repo_path,env={'GIT_SSH_COMMAND': ssh_cmd})
assert myrepo.__class__ is Repo
myfile = os.path.join(local_repo_path, 'new-file')
# This function just creates an empty file ...
open(myfile, 'wb').close()
author = Actor("author", "author@example.com")
committer = Actor("committer", "committer@exapmle.com")
index.commit("my commit message", author=author, committer=committer)
# Setup a local tracking branch of a remote branch