I try since 3 Days to connect to the SAP MQTT over WSS (wss://iotmmsXXXXXXXXX.hana.ondemand.com/com.sap.iotservices.mms/v1/api/ws/mqtt).
With this I'm using a p12 client certificate.
But it goes to stuck on/ after the Handshake (see Wireshark Picture).
10.XX.XX.XXX is my IP
155.XX.XX.XXX is the SAP IP
After 30 seconds i got this error:
And he try to connect again.
Here is the Source:
const fs = require('fs');
const mqtt = require('mqtt');
// Parts of URL and Path
const hcp_account_id = 'WWWWWWWWW';
const hcp_landscape_host = '.hana.ondemand.com' // this is used on PROD with Client Certificate Authentication
const my_endpoint_url_path = '/com.sap.iotservices.mms/v1/api/ws/mqtt';
const client_p12 = "./YYYYYYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYY-YYYYYYYYYYYY.p12";
// the following values need to be taken from the IoT Cockpit
const message_type_id_From_device = 'ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ';
// for down- upstream communication
var my_publish_topic = "iot/data/" + device_id;
var my_subscription_topic = "iot/push/" + device_id;
var my_endpoint = "iotmms" + hcp_account_id + hcp_landscape_host;
var wsoptions =
host: my_endpoint,
port: 443,
pfx: fs.readFileSync(client_p12),
passphrase: 'AAAAA',
checkServerIdentity: false,
protocol: 'mqttv3.1',
protocolVersion: 13,
perMessageDeflate: true,
client_max_window_bits: true
var options =
wsOptions: wsoptions,
clientId: device_id,
protocolId: 'MQIsdp',
protocolVersion: 3,
protocol: 'wss',
hostname: my_endpoint,
port: 443,
path: my_endpoint_url_path
const mqttc = mqtt.connect(options);
mqttc.subscribe(my_subscription_topic, 0);
mqttc.on('connect', () => console.log('connected!'));
mqttc.on('error', (msg) => console.log('error: ' + msg));
mqttc.on('offline', (msg) => console.log('offline: ' + msg));
mqttc.on('close', (msg) => console.log('close: ' + msg));
// message is Buffer
mqttc.on('message', (topic, message) => console.log('message(' + topic + '): ' + message.toString()));
I have resolved it with chaning the "sendPacket" method in "mqtt/lib/client.js" to
function sendPacket (client, packet, cb) {
client.emit('packetsend', packet)
var result = false
try {
var buf = mqttPacket.generate(packet)
result = client.stream.write(buf)
} catch (err){
client.emit('error', err)
result = false
if (!result && cb) {
client.stream.once('drain', cb)
} else if (cb) {