I'm trying to find a way to make a Lock Free OR Non-blocking way to make a Ring Buffer for single consumer / single consumer that will over-write the oldest data int the buffer. I've read a lot of lock-free algorithms that work when you "return false" if the buffer is full--ie, don't add; but I can't find even pseudo-code that talks about how to do it when you need to overwrite the oldest data.
I am using GCC 4.1.2 (restriction at work, i can't upgrade the version...) and I have the Boost libraries, and in the past I made my own Atomic< T > variable type that follows pretty closely to the upcomming specification (its not perfect, but it is thread-safe and does what i need).
When I thought about it, I figured using these atomics should really take care of the problem. some rough psuedo-code as to what i was thinking:
template< typename T , unsigned int Size>
class RingBuffer {
Atomic<unsigned int> readIndex;
Atomic<unsigned int> writeIndex;
enum Capacity { size = Size };
T* buf;
unsigned int getNextIndex(unsigned int i)
return (i + 1 ) % size;
RingBuffer() { //create array of size, set readIndex = writeIndex = 0 }
~RingBuffer() { //delete data }
void produce(const T& t)
if(writeIndex == getNextIndex(readIndex)) //1
readIndex = getNextIndex(readIndex); //2
buf[writeIndex] = t;
writeIndex = getNextIndex(writeIndex); //3
bool consume(T& t)
if(readIndex == writeIndex) //4
return false;
t = buf[readIndex];
readIndex = getNexIndex(readIndex); //5
return true;
As far as I can tell, there is no deadlock situations here, so we're safe from that (If my implementation above is wrong even on its pseudo-code leve, constructive criticism is always appreciated). However,the BIG race condition I can find is:
lets assume the buffer is full. that is, writeIndex +1 = readIndex; (1) occurs, just as consume is being called. and is true (4) is false, so we move to read from the buffer (5) occurs, and the readIndex is advanced one (so there is, in fact, space in the buffer (2) occurs, advancing readIndex AGAIN, thus LOSING the value.
Basically, its a classic problem of the writter must modify the reader, causing a race condition. Without actually blocking the entire list everytime I access it, I can't think of a way to prevent this from happening. What am I missing??