Scalaz wants a Monoid instance if I give a type annotation for v1_b
in the for comprehension below.
1) Why is that ?
2) The error also mentions filter
, how does filter
come into this picture ?
import scalaz._
import Scalaz._
case class MyError(s:String)
type Err=MyError
val v1: \/[Err, String] = "cool".right
val v2: \/[Err, String] = MyError("not cool").left[String]
val res: \/[Err, (String,String)] =for {
v1_a <- v1 // this works fine
// v1_b : String <- v1
// uncommenting the line above gives the following compiler error:
// Error:(23, 22) could not find implicit value for parameter M: scalaz.Monoid[_experiment.scalaz.Disjunction.Err]
// Error:(23, 22) not enough arguments for method filter: (implicit M: scalaz.Monoid[_experiment.scalaz.Disjunction.Err])scalaz.\/[_experiment.scalaz.Disjunction.Err,String].
// Unspecified value parameter M.
v2_ <- v2
} yield (v1_a,v2_)
Try this code online in this fiddle :
v1_b : String
performs a type test at runtime. Therefore, the desugaring of this for
comprehension has filter
in it (to filter out cases when the test fails). filter
on \/
requires the left side to be a monoid.