Is there a way mix in the Ordered trait for a covariant generic?
I have the following code:
trait Foo[+T <: Foo[T]] extends Ordered[T] {
def id: Int
override def compare(that : T) : Int = { compare
Where I need T
covariant and would like ordered to work too. The version above gives the "covariant type in contravariant position error".
You can't use Ordered
with a covariant type because it requires the generic type in a contravariant position. Instead, you should use an implicit Ordering
defined in the companion object
trait Foo[+T] {
def id: Int
object Foo {
implicit def fooOrdering[A <: Foo[_]]: Ordering[A] = {
new Ordering[A] {
override def compare(x: A, y: A): Int = compare
Any reasonable function that compares object should be take in an Ordering instance for the objects it is comparing, and many do implicitly. For example
case class F(id: Int) extends Foo[Int]
case class G(id: Int) extends Foo[Int]
List(F(1), F(2), F(5), F(3), G(12)).max // = G(12)