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Error while using fn:string-length in Xquery

I am trying to use fn:string-length function in Xquery and strangely I am getting this error.

line 19, column 66: {err}XP0004 [{bea-err}XP0004a]: Operator "gt" is not applicable for arguments of type {}integer and {}string

All I am trying to do is, to get a length of a XPath expression and compare it with some value.

  let $PlaceofDeliveryZoneCodeVal := $getRevenueRequest1/ns0:AlternativeCode/ns0:AlternativeCodeVal/text()
    if(fn:string-length($PlaceofDeliveryZoneCodeVal) > "8") then


  • The problem is that because the integer is wrapped in quotes, you are comparing an integer to a string:

    (fn:string-length($PlaceofDeliveryZoneCodeVal) > "8") 

    If you remove the quotes, the comparison will succeed:

    (fn:string-length($PlaceofDeliveryZoneCodeVal) > 8)