I'm trying to print/preview an Infragistics UltraTree (winform) (version 14.2) which has formatted/markup text
The nodes of the tree use Infragistics.Win.FormattedLinkLabel.UltraFormattedTextEditor with TreatValueAs = FormattedLinkLabel.TreatValueAs.FormattedText
On the screen the tree looks nice. However when I use Infragistics.Win.Printing.UltraPrintPreviewDialog, the resulting tree displays each node with all of its markups.
<span style='color:Navy; font-size:11pt; font-weight:bold; '> The Node's Text </span>
Is there a way to have the preview display the same way it looks on the screen? That is instead of the above, display "The Node's Text", where this text is printed in 11pt and the text color is navy.
The guys at Infragistics said it is a bug in their control here. However, they provided and work around. Add this event handler in form's constructor:
this.ultraTreePrintDocument1.Tree = this.ultraTree1;
this.ultraTreePrintDocument1.InitializeTree += UltraTreePrintDocument1_InitializeTree;
And then in InitializeTree add this code:
private void UltraTreePrintDocument1_InitializeTree(object sender, InitializeTreeEventArgs e)
e.Control.Override.EditorComponent = new UltraFormattedTextEditor();