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libgdx-freetype how to scale font wth correct letter spacing?

With the previous version of FreeType there was a method setScale() Now I can change the scale with:


but I' ve this issue with te letter spacing:

I can't play with the size parameter because I've a small viewPort and i can't change it.


  • I'll recommend not to scale BitmapFont. May be your bitmapfont rendering result is due to high scale down of your BitmapFont that you generated by free-type Font generator.

    You can use bitmapFont.getData().setScale(float x, float y); but scaling should be reasonable extent, not two much high or low.

    You can create BitmapFont with FreeTypeFontGenerator with your required size so that you don't need to scale up/down.

    FreeTypeFontGenerator generator = new FreeTypeFontGenerator(Gdx.files.internal("fonts/timesBold.ttf"));
    FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter parameter = new FreeTypeFontGenerator.FreeTypeFontParameter();

    Change font size in parameter and initialize BitmapFont:

    fontParameter.size = 25; // by default this value is 16
    BitmapFont font = fontGenerator.generateFont(fontParameter);

    Want to use font.setScale(); instead of font.getData().setScale(), reactoring are from Version 1.5.6 so you need to use older version from this version. I've a link of 1.5.5 version, download it. Zip having gdx-setup.jar file, create project from that .jar, import project into your IDE and run.