Heres my JSON object:
"id": "23445",
"latlon": "6780"
"id": "23454",
"latlon": "6784"
"id": "23245",
"latlon": "6180"
"id": "12345",
"latlon": "6740"
As you can see the property names are pure integers (1000, 1001, 1002, 1003)
I can't declare class variable names in integar and run System.json.Serialization.
Therefore I need to load the JSON file into:
public static Dictionary<int, NodeDetail> NodeInfo;
public class NodeDetail {
public ulong id;
public int latlon;
//Generic class serializer
//Generic class deserializer
Is there a library function for this? or do I have to parse the JSON string from ground up?
ps. I'm new to C#(coming from C++)
Newtonsoft.Json. You can pull it from NuGet.
Simple example:
public static T DeserializeJson<T>(string json)
return JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<T>(json);
and then
Dictionary<string, object> foo = DeserializeJson<Dictionary<string, object>>(" ... insert JSON here ... ");
EDIT: given the structure you mention in your question, you may want to deserialize into a nested dictionary:
Dictionary<int, Dictionary<long, int>> foo = DeserializeJson<Dictionary<int, Dictionary<long, int>>>(" ... insert JSON here ...");
There's also JObject (in the same Newtonsoft.Json library) which is very helpful for deserializing to something uniform that can be used.