i have been working on a code where both 24lc512
and pcf8563
are interfaced together. Here in the breakup board of pcf8563
there are two 1K pull-up resistor on SDA
and SCL
line so am planning on using the same resistors for eeprom.
I had a code for eeprom which worked perfectly before with 4.7K pull up resistor, so i for making the code work for 1K pull-up resistor i made the following changes.(Coding was done for PIC16f877a
with XC8 compiler)
SSPADD=(_XTAL_FREQ/(4*c))-1 //where c is 400,000
But sadly the code is not working as expected.Could someone please lend me help by saying what all changes should i bring in the earlier code so that it can work with 1K pull-up resistor.
Thanks in advance :)
The datasheet says R = tr/Cb where tr is rise time (maximum specified at 1us) Cb is capacitive load for each bus line with specified max. of 400 pF.
1x10^6 / 400x10^12 = 2500, so 2.7K would be the best choice if you're close to the maximum capacitance.
1K ohm sounds a bit low though, I'd try to unsolder the resistors and use 2.7 to 4.7k ohm instead. Only one set is needed if the bus lines are kept short.
Use an oscilloscope to check the signal shape. If the traces aren't nice and square then you need to adjust the resistors or shorten the bus wires. If the rise time is longer than 1us it may have problems too.
It would make much more sense to use a much lower bus speed, capacitance won't be much of a big deal. For a calender and a small eeprom 100K or even lower is plenty fast enough in most circumstances.