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Track the progress using new Dropbox SDK (V2) with filesRoutes' downloadUrl:overwrite:destination: method

I am trying to download a large file with the new dropbox SDK.

My downloading code is something like this-

DBUserClient *client = [DBClientsManager authorizedClient];

[[client.filesRoutes downloadUrl:remotePath overwrite:YES destination:documentUrl] setResponseBlock:^(DBFILESFileMetadata *result, DBFILESDownloadError *routeError, DBRequestError *networkError, NSURL *destination) {    
            NSLog(@"File Downloaded");
            // open the file after being downloaded

Previously I used to use the the DBRestClient class' loadMetadata method.

[restClient loadMetadata:path];

which in turn would trigger the some other delegate methods, one of which is

- (void)restClient:(DBRestClient*)client loadProgress:(CGFloat)progress forFile:(NSString*)destPath

in this method, I could track the progress of the file that is being downloaded.

How can I track my downloading progress in the setResponse Block? Thanks in advance.


  • You can use setProgressBlock to set a block to receive progress updates. There's an example here: