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Angular 2 - Wait for data init from service

There are 2 services:

  • DataService - gets data from the server
  • CacheService - subscribes to DataService and holds mapped data

and component

  • ComponentA - Injects CacheService and has foo function that handles cached data

My question is - How do I ensure that my CacheService is done with data when my foo function gets called.

Current solution that I kinda like but am not sure if there isn't some better Angular 2 way. Done with Rx.Observables

My solution (Code is simplified):

export class CacheService {
    myData:                IData;
    dataLoadedObservable:  Observable;
    private _emitter:      any;

    constructor(dataService: DataService){
         this.dataLoaded = Observable.create(
            e => {
            _emitter = e;

    private cacheData(){
         this.dataService.loadData().subscribe(data => {
             this.myData = data;
   'data loaded');


export class ComponentA {
            isLoaded => {
                if(isLoaded === 'data loaded'){
                    // Now this.cacheService.myData is ready


  • You should probably refactor your data service like this:

    export class CacheService {
        private data$:Observable<IData>;
        constructor(private dataService: DataService){
            //We initialize the data Observable.
  $ = new Subject();
            //We load initial data.
            this.dataService.loadData().subscribe(data => {
                //Once the data is loaded, we have to emit its value from our data$ observable.
        //getter for our observable.
        public getData():Observable<IData>{
        //setter for data, hiding the observable logic behind.
        public setData(data:IData){

    The goal behind this refactor is to hide your data behind an observable.

    A simple usage would be: => console.log(data));

    The subscription will not get called before you emit data from it (using next() call), meaning that your subscription will get called once you actually have data.