I posted earlier needing help with a script to read a list of ".mp3" URLs from a text file ("URLs.txt"), download each file, rename in numerical order (1,2,3...), and then save to "URLs" folder on Desktop:
URLs Desktop folder
Shortly after, I kindly received the following response in Unix bash (for use in Automator):
mkdir -p ~/Desktop/URLs
while read mp3; do
curl "$mp3" > ~/Desktop/URLs/$n.mp3
done < ~/Desktop/URLs.txt
However, although the script runs fine, it will only download files up to the range of "47.mp3" - "49.mp3". The script doesn't stop, it just doesn't download anything beyond this range...
I'm very new to Unix bash, and excuse my ignorance, but is it possible that there's a "50 limit" on script or webpage?
I'm not sure how many URLs my text file has, but it's well over 49.
I've looked through the text file to ensure that all URLs paths are correct and all seems fine...
Also downloaded 47 - 52 manually to make sure that they're actually able to be downloaded — which they are.
No, there is no inherent shell script limit that you are hitting.
Is it possible that the web server you are downloading the MP3s from has a rate limiter which kicks in at 50 downloads in too short a time? If so you will need to slow down your script.
Try this modification and see what happens if you start at the 50th MP3:
mkdir -p ~/Desktop/URLs
while read mp3; do
((n >= 50)) && curl "$mp3" > ~/Desktop/URLs/$n.mp3
done < ~/Desktop/URLs.txt
If you want to slow it down add a sleep
call to the loop.