I have a ASP.Net Web API method as follows --
public class DashboardController : ApiController
public TaskListModels[] getTaskListByUserId([FromBody] LoginModels loginModels)
DataTable _taskListDataTable = new DataTable();
List<TaskListModels> _taskList = new List<TaskListModels>();
SQLHelper sqlHelper = new SQLHelper(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["Hr_Platform_Dev_ConnString"].ConnectionString.ToString());
sqlHelper.Parameters.AddWithValue("@userId", loginModels.userId);
_taskListDataTable = sqlHelper.ReturnDataTableFromStoredProcedure("[dbo].[HRPlatform_Dashboard_Tasklist_Select]");
I have an Angular 2 service method as follows --
//Get Task List of a User
public getTaskList(loginModel: LoginCredentialsModel): Observable<TaskListModel[]>{
console.log('Service - TaskListService : Method - getTaskList : Params - ' + loginModel.userId);
let headers = new Headers({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' });
this._requestOptions = new RequestOptions({
method: RequestMethod.Post,
url: this._httpHelperService.apiUrl + 'Dashboard/getTaskListByUserId',
headers: headers,
body: JSON.stringify({ 'userId': loginModel.userId })
console.log('Get Task List - POST Request Query : '+JSON.stringify(this._requestOptions));
return this._http.request(new Request(this._requestOptions)).map(this._httpHelperService.extractData).catch(this._httpHelperService.handleError);
Where LoginCredentialsModel is a Model class as follows --
export class LoginCredentialsModel {
userId: any;
I am calling the service method from one of my component to get the data from the API method as follows --
public loadTask()
console.log('Component : Dashboard Component - Method : loadTask');
//Set the current
data => this.taskListItems = data,
error => this._errorLoggerService.logError(error, 'Dashboard/TaskList Component'),
() => console.log("Task List For User Id - 012345 + "\n" + JSON.stringify(this.taskListItems)));
The POST call is able to reach the API method but for some reason the userId parameter is appearing as null when I am debugging the API. I have also logged the request option on the console that looks like follows, where it appears that that the body is empty {}. Get Task List - POST Request Query :
Why the parameters are not getting posted ? Please help. Any Help would be appreciated.
Thanks, Amit Anand
You are calling your method like this:
but this method expects an object (LoginCredentialsModel
So when you try to access loginModel.userId
inside your getTaskList
method it will be undefined because you are trying to access a property of a string
A solution might be to wrap it in an object:
this._taskListService.getTaskList({userId: '012345'})...