The OpenGL program I am writing uses a port of glULookat to control the camera
To rotate I have the following code
case ActionTurnLeft:
center[0] = eye[0] + cos(-SPEED_TURN)*v[0] - sin(-SPEED_TURN)*v[2];
center[2] = eye[2] + sin(-SPEED_TURN)*v[0] + cos(-SPEED_TURN)*v[2];
case ActionTurnRight: center[0] = eye[0] + cos(SPEED_TURN)*v[0] - sin(SPEED_TURN)*v[2]; center[2] = eye[2] + sin(SPEED_TURN)*v[0] + cos(SPEED_TURN)*v[2];
My question is how do I get the rotation angle in degrees?
Updated : Tried this and it gave me -572 ish to 572
float rotAngleDegs;
float PI = 3.1415926535897;
rotAngleDegs = (cos(-SPEED_TURN)*v[0] - sin(-SPEED_TURN)*v[2]) * 180 / PI;
NSLog(@"%f", rotAngleDegs);
Incrementing a float by rotation +=2.865; seemed to actually work lol