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Find out how is table partitioned

Is there any way to find out, whether is table partitioned by Hash, Range or List in Oracle? I could not find such info in metadata tables.

Thanks for help.


  • You haven't searched metadata tables enough.

    Connected to Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release 
    Connected as xxx@yyy
    SQL> select owner, table_name, partitioning_type, subpartitioning_type
    SQL> from all_part_tables
    SQL> where owner = 'SYS'
    SQL>     and rownum <= 10
    SQL> ;
    OWNER                                                                            TABLE_NAME                                                                       PARTITIONING_TYPE SUBPARTITIONING_TYPE
    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------- --------------------
    SYS                                                                              AQ$_SUBSCRIBER_LWM                                                               HASH              NONE
    SYS                                                                              WRH$_FILESTATXS                                                                  RANGE             NONE
    SYS                                                                              WRH$_SQLSTAT                                                                     RANGE             NONE
    SYS                                                                              WRH$_SYSTEM_EVENT                                                                RANGE             NONE
    SYS                                                                              WRH$_WAITSTAT                                                                    RANGE             NONE
    SYS                                                                              WRH$_LATCH                                                                       RANGE             NONE
    SYS                                                                              WRH$_LATCH_CHILDREN                                                              RANGE             NONE
    SYS                                                                              WRH$_LATCH_PARENT                                                                RANGE             NONE
    SYS                                                                              WRH$_LATCH_MISSES_SUMMARY                                                        RANGE             NONE
    SYS                                                                              WRH$_EVENT_HISTOGRAM                                                             RANGE             NONE
    10 rows selected

    You should be better off with using the user_part_tables instead of all_part_tables, and then please omit the owner = 'SYS' predicate from the where clause.