I have some custom methods to resize my images using MiniMagick
def resize_to_limit(dimensions, degrade = false)
width, height = dimensions
MiniMagick::Image.open(current_path).tap do |image|
image.resize "#{width}x#{height}>"
image.combine_options do |cmd|
if degrade
cmd.quality 50
cmd.alpha 'remove'
cmd.interlace 'plane'
image.write current_path
When I check the resulting image using identify
the Interlace
is still None
. Not sure if the library changed the input value, but I have tried both Plane and plane.
I tried to convert an image using the Metal interface:
require 'mini_magick'
MiniMagick::Tool::Convert.new do |convert|
convert << "input.jpg"
convert << "-interlace plane"
convert << "output.jpg"
That should amount to the same thing as:
$ convert input.jpg -interlace plane output.jpg
In fact that command works as expected:
$ magick identify -verbose input.jpg output.jpg | grep Interlace
Interlace: None
Interlace: JPEG
You can see what commands your code is issuing by turning on debugging:
MiniMagick.configure do |config|
config.debug = true
When I run your code with debugging on, I get a bunch of commands that are working on temp files:
MiniMagick.debug is deprecated and will be removed in MiniMagick 5. Use `MiniMagick.logger.level = Logger::DEBUG` instead.
D, [2017-05-17T23:30:28.456080 #12301] DEBUG -- : [0.01s] identify /var/folders/dh/_zgl_f_s0t7b4wk9j27cpny80000gp/T/mini_magick20170517-12301-17vo4b8.jpg
D, [2017-05-17T23:30:28.468335 #12301] DEBUG -- : [0.01s] mogrify -resize 500x500> /var/folders/dh/_zgl_f_s0t7b4wk9j27cpny80000gp/T/mini_magick20170517-12301-17vo4b8.jpg
D, [2017-05-17T23:30:28.481606 #12301] DEBUG -- : [0.01s] mogrify -alpha remove -auto-orient -interlace plane /var/folders/dh/_zgl_f_s0t7b4wk9j27cpny80000gp/T/mini_magick20170517-12301-17vo4b8.jpg
D, [2017-05-17T23:30:28.493634 #12301] DEBUG -- : [0.01s] convert /var/folders/dh/_zgl_f_s0t7b4wk9j27cpny80000gp/T/mini_magick20170517-12301-17vo4b8.jpg[0] /var/folders/dh/_zgl_f_s0t7b4wk9j27cpny80000gp/T/mini_magick20170517-12301-hks8tq.jpg
One thing I can't help notice in the documentation is the line:
On the other hand, if we want the original image to actually get modified, we can use
So maybe try new
instead of open
. And then watch the debugging output to see if the commands make sense.
It seems maybe your code is overcomplicated? Also from the documentation:
As a handy shortcut,
also accepts an optional block which is used tocombine_options
So maybe you don't need the explicit call to combine_options
if using new