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TYPO3 Mask CE Accordion

I try to build a Mask CE element, an accordion.

As you can see here: it is partly working. Though I need some help to get this right (by lack of some good samples on the net).

this is what I have as fluid template (I,m using foundation6 :) So all parts seems to be there but how to get the "repetition' in the html?

    <f:if condition="{data.tx_mask_planned_header}">

<ul class="accordion" data-accordion>  

  <li class="accordion-item" data-accordion-item>
     <a href="#" class="accordion-title"><f:if condition="{data.tx_mask_workshop_gepland}">
  <f:for each="{data.tx_mask_workshop_gepland}" as="data_item">
    <f:if condition="{data_item.tx_mask_datum_workshop}">
    < format="d.m.Y">{data_item.tx_mask_datum_workshop}</>
    <f:switch expression="{data_item.tx_mask_soort_workshop}">
       <f:case value="1">Pizza -Fun Workshop</f:case>
       <f:case value="2">Pizza - Master Workshop</f:case>
       <f:case value="3">Pizza - Midsummer Pizza</f:case>
    <div class="accordion-content" data-tab-content>
         <f:if condition="{data_item.tx_mask_workshop_state}">
    <f:switch expression="{data_item.tx_mask_workshop_state}">
      <f:case value="1"><b>Nieuwe workshop!<b/></f:case>
      <f:case value="2">Deze workshop is vol!</f:case>
      <f:case value="3">Nog enkele plaatsen beschikbaar</f:case>
      <div class="callout">
      <f:if condition="{data_item.tx_mask_workshop_info}">
        <f:format.html parseFuncTSPath="lib.parseFunc_RTE">{data_item.tx_mask_workshop_info}</f:format.html>

      <button class="button-red"> <f:if condition="{data_item.tx_mask_workshop_form_link}">
        < pageUid="{data_item.tx_mask_workshop_form_link}"></>


  • I have an accordion, where the accordion-content are own CEs. So my rendering consists of:

    <ul class="accordion" data-accordion> 
        <f:for each="{data.tx_mask_accordionitems}" as="accordion_item">
            <f:cObject typoscriptObjectPath="lib.tx_mask.content">{accordion_item.uid}</f:cObject>

    our mask definitions ...
    ... for Slider (only slider_elements allowed):
    enter image description here

    ... the slider element:
    enter image description here

    ... tabs (multiple CEs as subelements allowed):
    enter image description here

    your solution might differ if your CE definition might vary. please add the mask definition of your CE.