hive use Text as default format, a extra "store as parquet/ORC" clause have to be added if parquet/ORC file format is needed.
how to set parquet/ORC as default output format ?
Default Value: TextFile
Added In: Hive 0.2.0Default file format for CREATE TABLE statement. Options are TextFile, SequenceFile, RCfile, ORC, and Parquet. Users can explicitly say CREATE TABLE ... STORED AS TEXTFILE|SEQUENCEFILE|RCFILE|ORC|AVRO|INPUTFORMAT...OUTPUTFORMAT... to override. (RCFILE was added in Hive 0.6.0, ORC in 0.11.0, AVRO in 0.14.0, and Parquet in 2.3.0) See Row Format, Storage Format, and SerDe for details.
Default Value: none
Added In: Hive1.2.0 with HIVE-9915 Default file format for CREATE TABLE statement applied to managed tables only. External tables will be created with format specified by hive.default.fileformat. Options are none, TextFile, SequenceFile, RCfile, ORC, and Parquet (as of Hive 2.3.0). Leaving this null will result in using hive.default.fileformat for all native tables. For non-native tables the file format is determined by the storage handler, as shown below (see the StorageHandlers section for more information on managed/external and native/non-native terminology).
| | Native | Non-Native |
| Managed | hive.default.fileformat.managed (or fall back to hive.default.fileformat) | Not covered by default file-formats |
| External | hive.default.fileformat | Not covered by default file-formats |