I need to be able to use AzCopy on a computer that only has .NET 4.0 available. The only download link I have been able to find is http://aka.ms/downloadazcopy but this points to version 5.1.x which requires .NET 4.5. Does anyone know where I can get an older version or any other workarounds?
Now, Microsoft only provides latest version Azcopy. I search on Google, I could not find older version to download. If you could not upgrade your NET Framework 4.0 version. I suggest you could use Azure CLI 1.0 or Azure CLI 2.0 to manage Azure storage account. Azure cli does not require NET Framework.
Azure CLI 2.0: Our next-generation CLI written in Python, for use with the Resource Manager deployment model.
Azure CLI 1.0: Our CLI written in Node.js, for use with both the classic and Resource Managerdeployment models.
Update from comment:
I am using https://github.com/Azure/blobxfer and used py2exe to create a Windows executable I can call from a console app.