I want to show images like https://www.pinterest.com in collectionView using swift 3. For that the image is coming from backend with just URL not the image sizes. So i want to dynamically show cell according to height of images.
What i am doing is,
let url = self.myArray[indexPath.row].image
let data = NSData(contentsOf:URL(string: url)!)
var photo = UIImage()
if (data?.length)! > 0 {
photo = UIImage(data:data! as Data)!
let boundingRect = CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: width, height: CGFloat(MAXFLOAT))
let rect = AVMakeRect(aspectRatio: photo.size, insideRect: boundingRect)
return rect.size.height
It return me the height.
Problem is: Images are HD with upto 3MB size.
let data = NSData(contentsOf:URL(string: url)!)
takes so much time, as i have 20 to 30 images.
Is there any way to download the image on another thread instead of main thread so downloading image will continue in background,
OR anyone have a better solution for calculating height of images from URL.
PS: I have followed https://www.raywenderlich.com/107439/uicollectionview-custom-layout-tutorial-pinterest for customLayout.
Thanks in advance.
You should look into Alamofire. It uses promises to make the requests asynchronously without holding up the UI thread. Your code would look something like this
Alamofire.request(URL_STRING, method: .get, parameters: nil, encoding: URLEncoding.default, headers: getHeaders())
.responseImage(completionHandler: {response in
switch response.result {
case .success:
//The image will be stored in response.data in NSData format
case .failure(let error):
//Handle errors over here