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How to display a message when a form input is valid?

I'm having a hard time to display a message when an input is valid. To display error messages, it is working alright. This is what I'm trying:

<div class="form-group">
                    <label class="col-xs-2 control-label" for="inputSuccess">Username</label>
                    <div class="col-xs-10">
                        <input type="text" id="inputUser" name="usernameInput" class="form-control textbox" 
                               placeholder="Digite seu Username" width="25" ng-model="username.value" 
                               ng-minlength="4" ng-maxlength="10" valid="validateForm.usernameInput.$valid" required>
                        <div ng-if="validateForm.usernameInput.$dirty" ng-messages="validateForm.usernameInput.$error">
                            <div class="error-message" ng-message="required">*This field is required</div>
                            <div class="error-message" ng-message="minlength">*Username too short</div>
                            <div class="error-message" ng-message="maxlength">*Username too long</div>
                        <div ng-if="validateForm.usernameInput.$dirty" ng-messages="validateForm.usernameInput.$valid">
                            <div class="valid-message" ng-message="valid">valid!</div>


I also tried to set "ng-message" with the $valid ng-model but to no avail. Any tips?


    • your form wasn't named
    • the value of ng-messages should be an object containing a property/properties that you want to validate against. eg input.$error can have in your case required,minlength or maxlength. its different for $valid because that has true/false values, so we check for the property $valid on the object usernameInput for true/false
    • the value of ng-message should be the name of the property to check on the containing block's ng-messages value object. if the value of the property is truthy you see the content, and you dont if its falsy.
    • ng-messages/ng-message probably isnt the right solution for your case since you're checking one value and displaying one message.


    • ng-messages : name of object*
    • ng-message : name of property of object*
    • if the value of property is truthy, content of ng-message shows... falsy, nothing shows.

    angular.module('formDemo', ['ngMessages']);
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    <body ng-app="formDemo">
      <form name="validateForm">
        <div class="form-group">
          <label class="col-xs-2 control-label" for="inputSuccess">Username</label>
          <div class="col-xs-10">
            class="form-control textbox"
            placeholder="Digite seu Username"
            <div ng-if="validateForm.usernameInput.$dirty" ng-messages="validateForm.usernameInput.$error">
              <div class="error-message" ng-message="required">*This field is required</div>
              <div class="error-message" ng-message="minlength">*Username too short</div>
              <div class="error-message" ng-message="maxlength">*Username too long</div>
            <div ng-if="validateForm.usernameInput.$dirty" ng-messages="validateForm.usernameInput">
              <div class="valid-message" ng-message="$valid">valid!</div>