I'm trying to use the AWS generated Android SDK for my API Gateway project. Based on the information on this Site I created a client interface with a API method like this:
@com.amazonaws.mobileconnectors.apigateway.annotation.Operation(path = "/events/bookingUpdate", method = "POST")
void bookingUpdatePost(BookingUpdate body);
So when I want to call my API I used the following code:
try {
} catch (ApiClientException e) {
Log.e(BuildConfig.APPLICATION_ID, e.getLocalizedMessage());
if (listener != null) {
listener.onBookingUpdatePostRequestFinished(new Error(e.getLocalizedMessage()));
is there any way to retrieve the APIResponse Headers from the amazon mobile connectors library?
There isn't a way to do so because it's not exposed externally. But you can use a generic invoker instead to achieve this.