When I select "sslmode=verify-full" when connecting to my postgres server in Azure, the connection fails with the following error:
server certificate for "<region>
.control.database.windows.net" (and 7 other names) does not match host name "<servername>
Is "sslmode=verify-full" not allowed for Azure Database for PostgreSQL service? How do I connect to my postgres server in Azure if I have a requirement to use "sslmode=verify-full"?
"sslmode=verify-full" is supported in Azure Database for PostgreSQL service, however there is a limitation in the current implementation of the service.
If you require using "sslmode=verify-full", please use the server naming convention <servername>
.database.windows.net as your connection string host name instead of the preferred host naming convention <servername>
This limitation is expected to be removed in the future. Connections using other SSL modes should continue to use the preferred host naming convention <servername>
Please refer to How to Configure SSL for Postgres in Azure for more details.