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LLDB alias for Swift command

When debugging SQLite queries from FMDB in my app, I sometimes use a command to return all the values in the current row of the result set:

(lldb) po (0..<result.columnCount()).map{result.object(forColumnIndex: $0)!}

I use the name "result" consistently throughout my app, so this command never changes, and obviously it's a little tedious to type it out every time I want to use it so I wanted to create an alias, but when I try to do so (whether through a .lldbinit file or directly in the Xcode console), I get an error:

(lldb) command alias poresult po (0..<result.columnCount()).map{result.object(forColumnIndex: $0)!}
error: Unable to create requested alias.

Looking around, I couldn't find any instances of using Swift code in an alias, but I did find several examples with Objective-C, so I assume it's possible.

What am I doing wrong?


  • In a Swift project, po is an alias for expression -O -l swift --. Try substituting it for its definition in your own alias.

    command alias poresult expression -O -l swift -- (0..<result.columnCount()).map{result.object(forColumnIndex: $0)!}

    More general:

    command alias ALIAS_NAME expression -O -l swift -- YOUR_CODE_HERE