I'm trying to create a custom transformation within SAS DI Studio to do some complicated processing which I will want to reuse often. In order to achieve this, as a first step, I am trying to replicate the functionality of a simple APPEND transformation.
To this end, I've enabled multiple inputs (max of 10) and am trying to leverage the &_INPUTn
and &_INPUT_count
macro variables referenced here. I would like to simply use the code
data work.APPEND_DATA / view=work.APPEND_DATA;
%let max_input_index = %sysevalf(&_INPUT_count - 1,int);
set &_INPUT0 - &&_INPUT&max_input_index;
keep col1 col2 col3;
However, I receive the following error:
ERROR: Missing numeric suffix on a numbered data set list (WORK.SOME_INPUT_TABLE-WORK.ANOTHER_INPUT_TABLE)
because the macro variables are resolved to the names of the datasets they refer to, whose names do not conform to the format required for the
SET dataset1 - dataset9;
statement. How can I get around this?
Much gratitude.
You need to create a macro that loops through your list and resolves the variables. Something like
%macro list_tables(n);
%do i=1 %to &n;
data work.APPEND_DATA / view=work.APPEND_DATA;
%let max_input_index = %sysevalf(&_INPUT_count - 1,int);
set %list_tables(&max_input_index);
keep col1 col2 col3;