I have a tableview for showing some products, the products may or not have a discount, the discounts (max 2) are grouped in a stackView, so in code I hide or show the stack view if the product have a discount.
The problem comes when I insert a new cell, suddenly the cell that holds a product with discount doesn't have the stack view visible.
I tried with the 2 methods for dequeue cells, when I use,
tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier:, forIndexPath)
the problem occurs when Inserting but when I use,
the problem at inserting disappear, but occurs again when I scroll down to make the cell not visible and scroll back.
This is the code in cell for row:
let basicCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: "basicCell") as! BasicCell
if product.discounts{
basicCell.discountType = DiscountType.lineDiscount
basicCell.discountType = DiscountType.none
return basicCell
And the code of configureCellType():
func configureCellType(){
switch discountType! {
case .none:
discountStackView.isHidden = true
case .lineDiscount:
groupDiscountView.isHidden = true
case .groupDiscount:
lineDiscountView.isHidden = true
case .bothDiscounts: break
well the problem is actually in your configureCellType()
As each case is hiding a stack view .. Check it out