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Does Oracle NetSuite Advanced PDF Template have "Group by" and "SUM" Functions?

Currently, I have a table of values/attributes in my Custom Transaction Form. I want to write an Advanced PDF Template, so when I print the form as PDF, some values are grouped to different sections.

For example, my form has four attributes, called Store, Product ID, Prices, and NumOfSales, like the following.

  1. AA, 123, 2.89, 10
  2. AA, 123, 2.89, 12
  3. BB, 123, 1.99, 29
  4. BB, 124, 4.00, 9
    I want to write an advanced pdf template so that the printed result looks like the following.
  5. AA, 123, 2.89, 22
  6. BB, 123, 1.99, 29
    124, 4.00, 9

I am wondering if Advanced PDF Template - Freemaker has group_by() and sum() functions OR if I need to use SuiteScript to achieve that. If I need to used SuiteScript, how to combine Advanced PDF Template and Script together. Thanks for your help.


  • If you can do the processing/grouping prior to passing data to freemarker you are better off. However if you are doing something like extending the standard transaction forms that isn't a simple option.

    You can simulate grouping by using sequence operations. (see


    <#assign seen_style = []>
    <#list record.item?sort_by('custcol_style') as lineitem>
        <#assign lineStyle = lineitem.custcol_style>
        <#if seen_style?seq_contains(lineStyle)>
            <#assign seen_style = seen_style + [lineStyle]>
            <#assign styleTotal = 0>
            <#list record.item?sort_by('custcol_size') as styleItem>
               <#if lineStyle == styleItem.custcol_style>
                  <#assign styleTotal = styleTotal + styleItem.quantity>
           <div>${lineStyle} has ${styleTotal}</div>