I want to test below organizer interactor for, calling the 2 specified interactors without executing the calling interactors('SaveRecord, PushToService') code.
class Create
include Interactor::Organizer
organize SaveRecord, PushToService
I found few examples where the overall result of all the interactors logic(record should be saved and pushed to other service) has been tested. But, i dont want to execute the other interactor's logic as they will be tested as part of their separate specs.
1. Is it possible to do so?
2. Which way of testing(testing the overall result/testing only this particular
organizer interactor behavior) is a better practise?
I believe we need to test the interactor organizer for included interactors without executing the included interacors. I am able to find a way stub and test the organizer with below lines
To Stub:
allow(SaveRecord).to receive(:call!) { :success }
allow(PushToService).to receive(:call!) { :success }
To Test:
it { expect(interactor).to be_kind_of(Interactor::Organizer) }
it { expect(described_class.organized).to eq([SaveRecord, PushToService]) }
Found call! method & organized variable
from interactor organizer source files where it is trying to call and use internally. Stubbing the call!
method and testing the organized
variable has fulfilled my requirement.