Very new to Scss/Sass Elsewhere in my mod.scss file, have coded the style of Ul > li
that I reuse quite frequently. However, in another mod.scss file, I need a change this code for a single particular instance.
Is it possible to essentially create an if-like statement that says: "If a UL/LI tag appears UNDER the .content-section
class, take on behaviors X,Y and z"?
margin: 40px 0px;
& .siteTitleText
margin-bottom: 50px;
& .headers
margin-bottom: 30px;
margin: 30px 0px;
<div class="content-section vendors">
<p class="headers">Modules, partials, and vendor</p>
<p class="bodyText">As you can see this divides my project into three basic types of files. Modules, partials, and vendored stylesheets.</p>
<li class="bodyText">The modules directory is reserved for Sass code that doesn't cause Sass to actually output CSS. Things like mixin declarations, functions, and variables.</li>
<li class="bodyText">The partials directory is where the meat of my CSS is constructed. A lot of folks like to break their stylesheets into header, content, sidebar, and footer components (and a few others). As I'm more of a SMACSS guy myself, I like to break things down into much finer categories (typography, buttons, textboxes, selectboxes, etc…).</li>
<li class="bodyText"></li>
Use the +
in your code to select the next match below your closing tag.
Simply nest the tags if you wish to select the child tag inside your .content-section
Reference: w3 documentation
.content-section {
margin: 40px 0px;
& .siteTitleText {
margin-bottom: 50px;
& .headers {
margin-bottom: 30px;
img {
margin: 30px 0px;
ul, li { // If .content-section has a child named ul or li, do this:
margin: 100px;