pulling hair out now
I have a query that counts all relevant $price values in the array Basically the initial query checks the table to jobs that are completed but not invoiced The second query ( inside the initial query loop ) gets all the items that need adding up ( these values are found inside another table ( workshop-items ) and are checked against the $item array values
the total is being calculated ok , i think it has something to do with where the $total is placed as its adding up ALL returned totals not the individual row totals
code below
<ul class="list-group">
$uninvoicedq = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM `workshop-jobs` WHERE completed = '1' AND invoiced = '0' AND wscid !='0' ORDER BY workstartdate ASC");
$uninvoiced = mysqli_fetch_assoc($uninvoicedq);
if($uninvoiced) {
do {
// User Query
$wscid = $uninvoiced['wscid'];
$userq = mysqli_query($cona,"SELECT * FROM `users` WHERE userid = '$wscid'");
$user = mysqli_fetch_assoc($userq);
$wtbdq = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM `workshop-jobs` WHERE wsjid = '$uninvoiced[wsjid]'");
$wtbdr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($wtbdq);
do {
$wtbd = explode(":",$wtbdr['worktobedone']);
foreach($wtbd as $item)
$priceq = mysqli_query($con,"SELECT * FROM `workshop-items` WHERE wsiid = '$item'");
$pricer = mysqli_fetch_assoc($priceq);
$price[] = $pricer['incvat'];
$items[] = $pricer['description'];
//echo $item.' - '. $pricer['incvat'].'<br>';
$total = array_sum($price);
} while($wtbdr = mysqli_fetch_assoc($wtbdq));
<li class="list-group-item text-right" style="border:none;" title="<?php echo $itemview;?>"><span class="badge pull-left" style="background-color:#F00;">Not Invoiced</span><?php echo '£'.$total.' - '; echo $user['forename'].' '.$user['surname'].' - ' .$uninvoiced['summary'];?> </li>
$itemList = implode(":",$items);
$itemview = str_replace(":","\n",$itemList);
<? } while($uninvoiced = mysqli_fetch_assoc($uninvoicedq));
} else {
echo "No Jobs Waiting To Invoiced";
If you mean that each row of the do while
should be different totals, then, when do
begins, set $price = [];
or $price = array();
or to null
, because you will have all the previous prices added up as a final price, if your final price is for each query of the do while
and not for the hole, do what I say.
Remember to do $total +=
and not $total =
because you will overwrite the variable that you are using outside the main loop, so you would get a wrong total.