I am quite new to OpenLink Virtuoso, and I have some questions regarding loading RDF graphs and executing SPARQL queries against them through Java and Virtuoso Jena Provider.
I have installed Virtuoso version 06.01.3127
on a PC running Ubuntu 16.04 desktop edition. Also, I use Virtuoso Jena Provider 3 and Virtuoso JDBC 4 Driver.
I want to run SPARQL queries invoking both default and named graphs like the following:
prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
prefix cc: <http://example.org/cc/>
SELECT ?c1 ?sx ?c2 ?m
FROM <http://test.org>
WHERE { ?c1 rdf:type cc:Test1; cc:p11 ?sx.
?c2 rdf:type cc:Test2; cc:p21 ?sx; cc:p22 ?m.
FILTER EXISTS { GRAPH <http://testA.org> {?m cc:p cc:M.} }
So it is assumed that there is a default graph (http://test.org
) and one named graph (http://testA.org
I tried to use the VirtDataset
as follows:
VirtModel Model1 = VirtModel.openDefaultModel("jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111/charset=UTF-8", <usr>, <pass>);
Model1.read(RDF1InputStream, null, "TTL");
VirtModel Model2 = VirtModel.openDatabaseModel("http://testA.org", "jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111/charset=UTF-8", <usr>, <pass>);
Model2.read(RDF2InputStream, null, "TTL");
VirtDataset virtDataset = new VirtDataset("jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111/charset=UTF-8", <usr>, <pass>);
virtDataset.addNamedModel("http://testA.org", Model2);
String queryString = "prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
prefix cc: <http://example.org/cc/>
SELECT ?c1 ?sx ?c2 ?m
WHERE { ?c1 rdf:type cc:Test1; cc:p11 ?sx.
?c2 rdf:type cc:Test2; cc:p21 ?sx; cc:p22 ?m.
FILTER EXISTS { GRAPH <http://testA.org> {?m cc:p cc:M.} }
Query query = QueryFactory.create(queryString);
QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, virtDataset);
ResultSet rs = qe.execSelect();
while (rs.hasNext()) {
However, it ends up with the following error in line: Model1.read(RDF1InputStream, null, "TTL");
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.jena.shared.JenaException: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: SR185: Undefined procedure DB.DBA.rdf_insert_triple_c.
at virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtGraph.stopBatchAdd(VirtGraph.java:1090)
at virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtModel.read(VirtModel.java:273)
at VirtuosoTest.main(VirtuosoTest.java:45)
Caused by: java.sql.BatchUpdateException: SR185: Undefined procedure DB.DBA.rdf_insert_triple_c.
at virtuoso.jdbc4.VirtuosoPreparedStatement.throwBatchUpdateException(VirtuosoPreparedStatement.java:520)
at virtuoso.jdbc4.VirtuosoPreparedStatement.executeBatchUpdate(VirtuosoPreparedStatement.java:156)
at virtuoso.jdbc4.VirtuosoPreparedStatement.executeBatch(VirtuosoPreparedStatement.java:541)
at virtuoso.jena.driver.VirtGraph.stopBatchAdd(VirtGraph.java:1083)
... 2 more
Is the procedure DB.DBA.rdf_insert_triple_c
missing? How can I fix this?
As an alternative, I tried using VirtGraph
as follows:
VirtGraph virtGraphTest = new VirtGraph("http://test.org", "jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111/charset=UTF-8", <usr>, <pass>);
virtGraphTest.read("file://test/test.ttl", "TTL");
VirtGraph virtGraphTestA = new VirtGraph("http://testA.org", "jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111/charset=UTF-8", <usr>, <pass>);
virtGraphTestA.read("file://test/testA.ttl", "TTL");
VirtGraph virtGraph = new VirtGraph("jdbc:virtuoso://localhost:1111/charset=UTF-8", <usr>, <pass>);
String queryStringTest = " prefix rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>
prefix cc: <http://example.org/cc/>
SELECT ?c1 ?sx ?c2 ?m
FROM <http://test.org>
WHERE { ?c1 rdf:type cc:Test1; cc:p11 ?sx.
?c2 rdf:type cc:Test2; cc:p21 ?sx; cc:p22 ?m.
FILTER EXISTS { GRAPH ?g {?m cc:p cc:M.} FILTER(?g=<http://testA.org>) }
Query queryTest = QueryFactory.create(queryStringTest);
VirtuosoQueryExecution qet = VirtuosoQueryExecutionFactory.create(queryTest, virtGraph);
ResultSet rst = qet.execSelect();
while (rst.hasNext()) {
This seems to work fine.
Note that in the GRAPH
declaration of the SPARQL query, I use GRAPH ?g
and then FILTER (?g=<http://testA.org>)
in order to specify the named graph.
If I use GRAPH <http://testA.org>
instead, the query is parsed but the GRAPH
declaration seems to be ignored, based on the query result.
Which is the correct way of invoking a GRAPH
within the SPARQL query for Virtuoso?
In general I was wondering which is the best practice for handling RDF datasets and SPARQL queries invoking default and named RDF graphs in Virtuoso?
I have made a Google search for these issues but I have not seen an enlightening example.
Sorry for the long post and thank you in advance!
The procedure DB.DBA.rdf_insert_triple_c
is built into the Virtuoso server, and it didn't exist in old versions of Virtuoso 6.x (your version dates from 2013 or earlier).
You can install a current version of Virtuoso server 7.x (strongly recommended), or use an old version of the Virtuoso Jena provider for Virtuoso 6.x.