I developed a google sign in and sign out button, both work successfully but when I sign out and try to send back in for the second time. The first view controller does not switch to second view controller?? Please help me solve this problem.
@IBAction func signOutButtonDidTouch(_ sender: Any) {
// Sign user out of Google
let firebaseAuth = FIRAuth.auth()
do {
try firebaseAuth?.signOut()
print("[Google] signing out successful")
// Performs current view controller transition to SignInViewController
performSegue(withIdentifier: "signOutSegue", sender: self)
}catch let signOutError as NSError {
print("Error signing out: %@", signOutError)
print("[Google] signing out error")
The developer will receive this warning when performing a segue from a view controller that is embedded in container.
Use segue from the parent of container, not from container's view controller.