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How to setup Azure Classic service endpoint using Management Certificate in Visual Studio online

I'm trying to setup Continuous Deployment from Visual studio online to Azure for my cloud service project (ccproj)

Inside VSO, I created an 'Azure classic service endpoint', that uses Certificate based connection. (By restriction I can not use the 'credentials'.)

When verifying the connection, I get a exception message saying:

Invalid Azure Management certificate. Exception Message: Cannot find the requested object.**

Question is:
What type of information do I need to fill in inside the Managment Certificate textbox field?

enter image description here


  • Refer to these steps to get certificate:

    1. Click publish settings file hyperlink (It will redirect to certificate download page)
    2. Open downloaded file (XXX.publishsettings) via notepad
    3. The value of Id is the Subscription Id
    4. The value of name is Subscription Name
    5. The value of ManagementCertificate is Management Certificate.

    The publishsettings file content like this:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
          Id="[Subscription Id]"
          Name="[Subscription Name]"
          ManagementCertificate="[Management Certificate]" />