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Run ddl script from file in Groovy

I working with Spock and Groovy in order to test my application. I should need to run a ddl script before to run every test. To execute the script from Groovy I am using the following code:

    def scriptToExecute = './src/test/groovy/com/sql/createTable.sql'
    def sqlScriptToExecuteString = new File(scriptToExecute).text

The createTable.sql is a complex script that do several drop and create operation ( of course it is multiline ). When I try to execute it I got the following exception:

java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00911: invalid character

To notice that the ddl is correct since that it has been checked running it on the same DB that I am connecting with groovy.

Any Idea how to resolve the problem?


  • I think JDBC does not support this, but there are tools/libraries that could help, see this answer for Java.

    In Groovy, using this JDBC script runner would be something like:

    Connection con = ....
    def runner = new ScriptRunner(con, [booleanAutoCommit], [booleanStopOnerror])
    def scriptFile = new File("createTable.ddl")
    scriptFile.withReader { reader ->

    Or, if your script is "simple enough" (ie no comments, no semicolons other than separating statements...), you can load the text, split it around ; and execute using sql.withBatch, something like that:

    def scriptText = new File("createTable.ddl").text
    sql.withBatch { stmt ->
        scriptText.split(';').each { order ->
            stmt.addBatch order.trim()